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We wrote this book with a lot of commitment and dedication to giving digital business process transformation a positive spin toward success. Our motivation is to help YOU to make it better! The book will give you some privileged access to supporting resources.




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Klaus Imping

Author, CEO mSE PointOut Group

Born in 1966 in Germany, with a universal education in Business Administration, I had almost a decade in various roles in industry before switching over to the consulting side. Working with numerous clients and projects for almost three decades. Always acting in the magic triangle of information technology, processes, and strategy. Many of my viewpoints come from focusing on supply chain management in a global context. Being in C-level charge for more than a decade, leading as CEO since 2020.

Klaus Imping

Author, CEO mSE PointOut Group

Born in 1966 in Germany, with a universal education in Business Administration, I had almost a decade in various roles in industry before switching over to the consulting side. Working with numerous clients and projects for almost three decades. Always acting in the magic triangle of information technology, processes, and strategy. Many of my viewpoints come from focusing on supply chain management in a global context. Being in C-level charge for more than a decade, leading as CEO since 2020.

“To make digitization effective we have to go back to process-centric approaches. Technology is a means to an end. The end, the purpose is the process!”

Michael Ciatto

Co-Author, Genpact Supply Chain Service Line CEO | Senior Vice President

Born in 1986 in Reading, PA, USA, to loving and supportive parents Kerry and Cindy Ciatto, I was not academically trained neither in supply chain nor engineering. Rather, I pursued Economics, with a specification in Finance, as well as Political Science during my time in academia at Dickinson College. After entering the world of finance initially, my career path took me via stages in turnaround consulting and interim management to the supply chain and digital transformation consulting space, where I’m leading the Supply Chain Service Line as CEO. Since entering the business work, I have worked with over 200 companies across a dozen industries on their technology enabled supply chain and operations transformation journeys.

Michael Ciatto

Co-Author, Genpact Supply Chain Service Line CEO | Senior Vice President

Born in 1986 in Reading, PA, USA, to loving and supportive parents Kerry and Cindy Ciatto, I was not academically trained neither in supply chain nor engineering. Rather, I pursued Economics, with a specification in Finance, as well as Political Science during my time in academia at Dickinson College. After entering the world of finance initially, my career path took me via stages in turnaround consulting and interim management to the supply chain and digital transformation consulting space, where I’m leading the Supply Chain Service Line as CEO. Since entering the business work, I have worked with over 200 companies across a dozen industries on their technology enabled supply chain and operations transformation journeys.

„With the acceleration of technological advancement, the heart of innovation and transformation is still PEOPLE.“

The business process, the practical business workflow is the SUBJECT MATTER of digitalization. WORKFLOW FIRST.

BUT: technology is just a means to an end. In the end, the purpose is the process.
Now you may say: “But WE care about the process!” yes But more than likely on a
level, not on the effectively practiced level. In distinction to “process”,
I call this practiced level

My book “Tribal f*cks up digital” offers many insights into the various reasons why

this workflow level often remains untouched, unmanaged, and un-engineered.
Why it’s left in a
state that I call “tribal”. Tribal processes and tribal workflows are
one crucial root cause for poor
adaptation, low impact, and missed objectives.
It functions like a lotus effect against digital
transformation unfolding its effect.
Consequently, my factual inspiration: MAKE THE BUSINESS PROCESS, better:

Detect “tribal workflows” as the blind spot and leverage success of your digital
YOU are the one who can turn that magic switch!

BUT: technology is just a means to an end. In the end, the purpose is the process.
Now you may say: “But WE care about the process!” yes But more than likely on a
level, not on the effectively practiced level. In distinction to “process”, I call this practiced level “workflow”.

My book “Tribal f*cks up digital” offers many insights into the various reasons why
this workflow level often remains untouched, unmanaged, and unengi-neered. Why it’s left in a state that I call “tribal”. Tribal processes and tribal workflows are one crucial root cause for poor adaptation, low impact, and missed objectives. It functions like a lotus effect against digital transformation unfolding its effect. Consequently, my factual inspiration: MAKE THE BUSINESS PROCESS, better: THE PRACTICAL BUSINESS WORKFLOW THE SUBJECT MATTER OF DIGITALIZATION.

Detect “tribal workflows” as the blind spot and leverage success of your digital
YOU are the one who can turn that magic switch!

Premium Insights & News


Overcoming Tribal Elements for Successful Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is critical for organizations to stay competitive, but about 70 percent of all transformations fail to achieve their objectives due to tribal elements. These are distinct knowledge and processes that employees use to get the job done, often relying on their own spreadsheets and self-developed processes instead of a clearly defined and documented process. 


Exclusive Book Launch, May 8th in Orlando (FL)

Michael Ciatto and Klaus Imping invite you to the exclusive launch event for our new book “Tribal f*cks up Digital”. Join us for an evening of thought-provoking discussion, networking with like-minded individuals, and celebration. Spaces are limited, so be sure to reserve your spot soon.


Gartner Supply Chain Symposium/Xpo™ 2023, May 8 -10, 2023, Orlando (FL)

If you’re planning to attend the Gartner Supply Chain Symposium in Orlando, don’t miss the chance to meet the authors Klaus Imping and Michael Ciatto and ask them any questions you have about digital transformation. To learn more about how to get in touch with us, please contact us.      

It relates to the  professional path of my beloved dad. He remained loyal to his first employer for almost 40 years. A midsize company where he started his  professional journey at the amazing age of fourteen. Textile industry, Germany.  Success story in the 1960s and early 1970s. Then disruptive change evolved. When it hit my father’s company unprepared, it was too late. 10 years of suffering
business, 10 years of creeping death – that I observed as a child and teenager – ended in bankruptcy. I saw my father suffering. It was not his job and not his pay grade to initiate the turn. He was a victim, a passenger on a sinking ship.

My learnings: Become strong. Become independent. Once you sense things going wrong: stand up, articulate your opinion, and take action! If I am being honest, my dedication to “KAIROS” is also rooted in these learnings.  KAIROS was the Greek god of the moment, while his friend CHRONOS was the god of sequential time. In rhetoric, Kairos is known as a decisive moment, a passing instant when an opening appears which must be seized with force if success is to be achieved. Taking influence, giving impulses, raising hands, and stating an opinion which is not mainstream – this does not happen without a decisive moment, without the little instant where you make the decision
“I do …”.

For me, “Kairos 2’19” is the perfect physical expression of the decisive moment, the power that it can unfold, but also the courage it takes to do so. “The point of power is always in the present moment”, a wise friend once said to me. He’s so right!


Kairos 2’19” by the German sculptor Bruno Wank

The “Digital Adoption Cross-Check” is a substantial part of our “Digital Adoption Assessment” and corresponds to several days of experienced process consultants and more than 7.500 € equivalent. Get the complete overview of the “Digital Adoption Cross-Check” – scope, proceeding, your requested input and participation, results – by accomplishing “Step 1 – Your information”. With Step 2, you then get access to your personal advisor who helps you to prepare and submit the required input.

Just do it! Take this opportunity to get a unique expert view and valuable insights!

* Limited to 25 seats. Participation subject to submission of required input and confirmed selection. All rights reserved.

2022. All rights reserved.

Digital experience is always embedded in a physical experience.


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